Check Oracle Clusterware patch release

1.Check Oracle Clusterware software version on both nodes:

[root@host01 ~]# crsctl query crs softwareversion -all
Oracle Clusterware version on node [host01] is []
Oracle Clusterware version on node [host02] is []

2. Check Oracle Clusterware release patch on both nodes:

[root@host01 ~]# crsctl query crs  releasepatch
Oracle Clusterware release patch level is [724960844] and the complete list of patches [29401763 29517242 29517247 29585399 ] have been applied on the local node. The release patch string is [].
[root@host01 ~]# crsctl query crs releasepatch
Oracle Clusterware release patch level is [724960844] and the complete list of patches [29401763 29517242 29517247 29585399 ] have been applied on the local node. The release patch string is [].

You can also, check the help $crsctl query crs

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  1. Pingback: Upgrade Oracle Clusterware GI 19c from 19.3 to 19.9 | Wadhah DAOUEHI

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