Get OEMCC 13c5 Agent zip file (Windows)

This blog explains the steps to get/download the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC) 13cU5 Agent zip file from the EM Server repository on Windows Server 2016


  • Login to OEM Server with emcli
  • Check the supported version
  • Download the Agent Zip file

Login to OEM Server with emcli

C:\em\oms\bin>emcli.bat login -username=sysman -password=PASSWORD
Login successful

Check the supported version

C:\em\oms\bin>emcli get_supported_platforms
Version =
Platform = Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
Platforms list displayed successfully.

Download the Agent Zip file

C:\em\oms\bin>emcli get_agentimage -destination=c:\em\software\ -platform="Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)" -version=
=== Partition Detail ===
Space free : 108 GB
Space required : 1 GB
Check the logs at c:\em\gc_inst\em\EMGC_OMS1\sysman\emcli\setup/.emcli/get_agentimage_2024-01-18_20-32-31-PM.log
Downloading c:\em\software\\
File saved as c:\em\software\\
Downloading c:\em\software\\
File saved as c:\em\software\\
Downloading c:\em\software\\unzip.exe
File saved as c:\em\software\\unzip.exe
Executing command: c:\em\software\\unzip.exe c:\em\software\\ -d c:\em\software\
Archieving agentImage and plugins.
Exit status is:0
Agent Image Download completed successfully.


Note: Same Steps on Linux:

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