Create a new ASM DiskGoup on 19c3

This article explains the steps to create a new ASM DiskGoup on 19c3 on Oracle Linux 7u5.

In the last article, we have installed the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone 19c3, and now we are going to add the FRA disk group.

Step 1 : Run the asmca

Step 2 : Create a diskgroup

Step 3 : Create the diskgroup FRA

Step 4 : Check the diskgroup FRA creation

$ crsctl stat res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details      
Local Resources
ora.DATA.dg              ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c     STABLE
ora.FRA.dg               ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c     STABLE
ora.LISTENER.lsnr        ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c     STABLE
ora.asm                  ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c     Started,STABLE
ora.ons                  OFFLINE OFFLINE      ol7u5-19c     STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c                STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ol7u5-19c                STABLE
[oracle@ol7u5-19c ~]$


I have enjoyed the new ASMCA interface to create a diskgroup FRA.

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  1. Pingback: Install Oracle database 19c3 on ASM | Wadhah DAOUEHI

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