Change a PDB Character Set within Oracle database 12cR2 ( using the DMU tool

This article explains how to change a PDB Character Set from WE8MSWIN1256 to ALT32UTF8 within Oracle database 12cR2 ( using the DMU tool.

Table of Contents:

  1. What we are going to do “Plugging a PDB with different Character SET”
  2. Migration of a PDB Character SET

1. What we are going to do “Plugging a PDB with different Character SET”:

What we have:

– a CDB “wadhah” with a PDB “wadhahpdb” when they have the same character Set WE8MSWIN1252

– a CDB “daouehi” with the character Set AL32UTF8

GOAL; Unplug  the PDB wadhahpdb from the CDB wadhah —> plug the PDB wadhahpdb with the CDB daouehi

Name Character SET
CDB Daouehi AL32UTF8
PDB Wadhahpdb WE8MSWIN1252
CDB Wadhah WE8MSWIN1252

Step 1: Create a pluggable database 12cR2 from PDB SEED using DBCA (Create the PDB wadhahpdb)

Step 2: Unplug a pluggable database 12cR2 using DBCA (The PDB wadhahpdb)

Step 3: Create a pluggable database 12cR2 from Unplugged PDB using DBCA (The PDB wadhahpdb)


After the plugging of the PDB wadhah:

a. Check the Character SET of the CDB “daouehi”:

b. Check the Character SET of the PDB “wadhahpdb” within the CDB “daouehi”:

2. Migration of a PDB Character SET:

We are using the Oracle database tool Database Migration Assistant for Unicode.

Step 1: Execute the DMU tools

Step 2:  Create a connection to the PDB:

Step 3:  Explore the connection: We have an error due to a package not found.

Step 4:  Create the package DBMS_DUMA_INTERNAL:

Step 5:  Creation of DMU repository in the database PDB “wadhahpdb”.

Step 6:  Select the target character set for migration for the repository:

Step 7:  Select the tablespace destination of the DMU repository:

Step 8:  The creation of the repository is finished and  now to San the database:

Note: The database must be scanned to test all list its character data for conversion issues.

Step 9:  Scan database:

Note: Verification of the conversion from the current database character set WE8MSWIN1252 to AL3UTF8.

Step 10:  Specify some parameters for database scanning: Default

Step 11:  You can exclude objects from the verification process:

Step 12:  Scan details:

Step 13:  Scan progress:

Step 14:  Scan Database completed:

Step 15:  Migration status:

Step 16: Begin the database Character SET Convert :

Step 17:  Step to convert the character set:

Step 18:  The convert steps will rescan:

Step 19:  Start the steps to convert:

Step 20: Rescan:

Step 21:  Respecify the parameters for scanning:

Step 22:  Fnish the san:

Step 23:  Processing:

Step 24:  Problem in the step Convert Application Tables:

Note: ORA-46385: DML and DDL operations are not allowe on the table “AUDSYS”.”AUD$UNIFIED”:

Step 25:  Skip the error of the table “AUDSYS“.”AUD$UNIFIED“:

Note: While the Unified auditing is disabled, we get the error

Step 26:  Skip all LMD and LDD on the table AUDSYS.AUD$UNIFIED:

Step 27:  Migration of the chacarter set has been done:

Step 28:  Verification of the new character set:

Step 29:  After the migration you can disable the restricted session:

Step 30:  After the migration you can Uninstall the DMU repository:



This article explains how to Migrate a PDB Character set using DMU within Oracle database 12cR2 (

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